AB Multimedia Arts Degree Philippines

AB Multimedia Arts Degree Philippines

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Why study AB Multimedia Arts at Southville?

The Southville College of Multimedia Arts is attended by industry experts and home to graduates who are now working at big multimedia companies – film, publishing, and government sectors to name a few. It houses the latest digital video and still cameras, video editing machines, and graphic software. Graduates are trained to be highly competitive in design, 2D and 3D animation, video production and editing, gaming programs, illustration, and other emerging multimedia platforms. It is also home to award-winning students and alumni recognized in local and international competitions such as film festivals and award-giving bodies for the arts.

The Southville College Division is accredited by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA) and also granted Autonomous Status by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Southville is home to celebrated personalities, medical practitioners, entrepreneurs, and community leaders, among others. Southville is the training ground of future Business Technocrats and World Leaders, anchored on the school’s 5Cs Curriculum. 

1st Year

  • English Grammar Review
  • Art Appreciation
  • Mathematics in the Modern World
  • Living in the IT Era
  • Introduction to Multimedia Arts 
  • Drawing 1 
  • History of Graphic Design
  • PE 1 – Movement Enhancement
  • National Service Training Program 1
  • IC1: SISC Hallmarks
  • Purposive Communication
  • Understanding the Self Ethics
  • Drawing 2
  • Elements and Principles of Design
  • Writing for New Media
  • Introduction to Film
  • PE 2 – Fitness Exercise
  • National Service Training Program 2
  • IC 2: Values Development

2nd Year

  • __Writing 1 (Business Writing)
  • Readings in Philippine History
  • The Contemporary World
  • The Life and Works of Rizal
  • Color Theory
  • Communication Media Laws and Ethics
  • Digital Photography 
  • 2D Animation
  • PE 3 – Team Sports
  • IC3: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Relations (EQ)
  • Writing 2 (Academic Writing)
  • Philippine Pop Culture
  • Reading Visual Art
  • RTV Announcing (Public Speaking)
  • Fundamentals in Film and Video Production
  • Digital Sound Production
  • Writing for Film and TV
  • Typography and Layout
  • PE 4 – Individual and Dual Sports
  • IC4: Achievers Core Training

3rd Year

  • English at Work (TOEIC)
  • Multimedia Publishing
  • Interactive Media Design
  • Multimedia and Society
  • Communication and Media Research
  • 3D Modeling
  • Brand Communication and Design
  • IC5: Leadership and Group Process
  • Science, Technology and Society
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset / Personal Financial Management
  • MMA Special Project (Thesis 1)
  • Multimedia Seminars
  • Visual Effects in Video Production
  • 3D Animation
  • IC6: Professionalism and Social Graces
  • IC7: 5Cs in the Workplace

4th Year

  • MMA Special Project 2 (Thesis 2)
  • Business Ventures in Multimedia
  • Game and Level Design
  • Practicum
  • Portfolio Preparation and Exhibit Design

Southville is committed to develop lifelong learners who are equipped with the 5Cs (Character, Competence, Collaboration, Creativity, and Commitment to Achieve) through data-driven and technology-enhanced educational programs to ensure student success in the 21st Century.

Sothville adheres to the demands of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the highest standards of quality education by providing innovative and challenging curricula, effective instruction, updated technological applications, a strong research and community service orientation within an enriched, caring, and active learning environment.