Business Icon Manny V. Pangilinan visits Southville -

Business Icon Manny V. Pangilinan visits Southville

Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) welcomed prominent business leader Manny V. Pangilinan for a Business Icon Chat last November 10. Excitement was in the air as parents, faculty & staff, students, and guests awaited the arrival of Mr. Pangilinan. When the guest of honor entered the venue, the entire SISC community erupted into loud applause.

Mr. Pangilinan, also known as MVP, shared his experiences and valuable insights to the audience, particularly SISC students. His words were very inspiring, boosting students’ confidence in themselves and in their abilities. One of the most striking lessons that Mr. Pangilinan conveyed was about how success is fleeting and temporary. He told the audience that they should learn from their successes whether large or small as those successes would give them the confidence to achieve more successes in the future. MVP shared one of the important sayings he learned from his elementary days which truly supported his advice. “Your greatest glory comes not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall.”

To conclude the talk and Q&A, Mr. Pangilinan imparted this powerful, encouraging message: “Enjoy your success while you can. There are more expectations that will be expected of you. And the same with failures. You can rise above your failures. No matter how old or how young you are, you can. You have to tell yourself that because, by the way, you will meet failures along the way. Nobody has ever achieved a hundred percent success rate in this life.”

If you wish to learn more from the remarkable Mr. Pangilinan, you may watch the full event coverage of the Business Icon Chat with MVP on YouTube:

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