Southville International School and Colleges goes after its mission and vision of becoming a top tertiary school that provides quality education to the future movers of our society. Step by step, it is on its way of quality assurance through the aid of the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation.

Years ago, the school has been successful in the first two levels of accreditation. One of the programs which have been accredited successfully is the College of Psychology. The preparation for the past two level accreditations was spearheaded by the chairperson of Psychology, Mr. Ruel A. Cajili. And with full support from the Psychology students, levels 1 and 2 accreditations for Psychology were very successful. With that, the College of Psychology became eligible for level 3 accreditation.

PACUCOA Level 3 accreditation visit took place last January 29 and 30, 2015. And it would not be complete without the plenum or meeting with the students representing their respective department. Psychology students on the other hand were both excited and nervous about the plenum. They were excited because the success of the visit would mean another achievement of the department. And, they were nervous because of their anticipation of the questions to be asked by the accreditor of Psychology. Nevertheless, they were confident that the event would turn out well.

Indeed, the plenum went well. The accreditor of Psychology was happy with the responses of the Psychology students. She also liked that they were the most active group that time.

Kudos to everyone! All the efforts have paid off.

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