Southville Students Rediscover Philippine History -

Southville Students Rediscover Philippine History

In line with Southville International School and Colleges’ advocacy of instilling in its students the value of patriotism, the College of Business Administration and High School Division sponsored a Business Lecture Series – CEO Forum last July 21, 2011. College and high school students assembled to hear the talk of the Executive Assistant to the Mayor of the City of Manila and the Vice-Chairperson of Manila Historical and Heritage Commission, Ms. Gemma Cruz – Araneta.
Ms. Araneta emphasized the ten turning points of Philippine History, where the Paleolithic Period, coming of Islam, entry of Christianity, and the People Power Revolution are among the salient point . She believed in these alternatives, rather than the usual historical time line of dates, places and people, as a better way to look at Philippine History. Simply put, it is “history in a nutshell”, which for her is easier to grasp and learn by heart.