Southville Holds PASS Orientation for Parents -

Southville Holds PASS Orientation for Parents

The Portfolio Assessment for Southville International School and Colleges Students (P.A.S.S.) is a distinguishing feature of the school that aims to hone the students’ critical thinking skills as well as to develop their innate desire to seek and explore answers to questions or ideas they have about themselves, their community, or their environment.
While the P.A.S.S. has been equated with the research paper and oral defense required of Grade School and High School graduating students, the portfolio assessment includes other requirements such as collated students’ works in their subjects, mastery of the school’s hallmarks, and other features that ensure the readiness of the students for the work demands of the next level and development of their achievement drive, sense of responsibility, productivity, industry, and excellence.
For a thorough understanding of the P.A.S.S. Program, parents of graduating students from Grades 6 and 11 had P.A.S.S. Orientation recently.
 “I am really happy that Southville has programs like this. Researching is really a skill that should be developed,” said one of the parents.

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