A Warm SISC Welcome to our Singaporean Visitors -

A Warm SISC Welcome to our Singaporean Visitors

SISC College of Nursing and the Southville International Organization for Nursing (SION) once again played host to the nursing students of NGEE ANN Polytechnic of Singapore. Twenty students from the NP School of Health Sciences accompanied by two professors, one of which was Dr. Eugene Macalinga, a former faculty member of SISC College of Nursing now based in Singapore, visited our campus last April 6, 2015. Visiting Southville campus and meeting with the College of Nursing’s faculty and students has been a part of Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s study trip itinerary for several years now.

A simple program was held at the MPH Tropical Bldg. where Dean Carmel Villegas gave an overview of the BSN program at Southville. The SION members Bryan Bornilla and Gianna Limonsero shared their creative talent in the form of a song number and a solo violin rendition of a Disney’s Colors of the Wind. The BSN Level Coordinators Ms. Astrid De Leon and Ms Liza Jimenez also talked about unique features of the College.

A mini exhibit of the College’s facilities and laboratories was set-up within the venue. After the program a campus tour was conducted in small groups, the highlight of which was the visit to the Museum of the South on the 5th flr of the Luxembourg Bldg. It was indeed a fun-filled morning despite the intense summer heat. The BSN students had the opportunity to bond and share experiences with their Singaporean counterpart. Before leaving there was a friendly exchange of contact numbers and email addresses between their new-found ASEAN friends.

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