News and Events - - Page 25

News and Events

Southville honors TOP Students

Southville International School and Colleges(SISC) together with South SEED-LPDH College (SSLC), honored some of the best and the brightest graduating high school students during the awarding ceremony of the Search for the Top Outstanding Students (T.O.P.S.) for academic year 2013-2014.

The Search for T.O.P.S. is an annual event that recognizes students who excel in academics and co-curricular and socio-civic activities. Winners were given college scholarships and discounts in Southville and SSLC.

Since its launched in 2005, the Search has recognized more than 200 students with some graduates now employed in competitive companies while some have started their own businesses. [Read more]

Trumpets Playshop now @ Southville International School and Colleges

All aspiring performing arts enthusiasts in the South, now is your time to shine as Southville International School and Colleges, Las Piñas city brings to you closer to realizing your dreams by partnering with Trumpets Playshop Philippines!
Trumpets is Asia’s first and premiere professional theatre company that is behind the critically acclaimed blockbuster productions – original adaptations of classic tales such as The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, The Little Mermaid, N.O.A.H., Joseph the Dreamer, and their latest musical – Bluebird of Happiness.
The following programs are being offered and still have available slots to those who are interested:
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Alumni Homecoming Dinner for a Cause 2013 @ Southville IS

The Alumni Committee organized its Alumni Homecoming  with “Alumni Homecoming for a Cause” last December 6.
Alumni supported the cause by donating food, some medical supplies, clothes, blankets, toiletries, and cash.
Proceeds will be donated to the victims of the monstrous and historic typhoon  “Yolanda” and to those affected  by the earthquake.

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Southville U.S. Work & Travel Participants are “Employees of the Month”

With the school’s mission to prepare students to be globally competitive at an early age, 3 Southville college students were given the “Best Employee” title during their paid on-the-job training experience in various companies in the United States of America recently. These students are Jhem Allah – a Tourism senior who worked at Nags Beach in North Carolina, Priyanka Sogi, also a Tourism student who earned the recognition as well as she worked at the Houston Zoo in Hoston, Tezas; and Ron Laurel, an Entrepreneurship senior who worked at the Aquatics Department of Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin.
The U.S Work
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Southville Inaugurates Business Center and Travel Agency

In line with its goal to keep up with the world on business and travel, officials of Southville International School and Colleges (SISC – College of Business Administration and Tourism and special guests took part in the symbolic ribbon cutting ceremony formally introducing its Business Research & Innovation Center (BRIC) and Travel Agency Office (TAO) at the 3rd floor of its Tropical Building along Tropical Avenue, Las Piñas.
The two facilities are specially designed for the learning and use of students engaging in entrepreneurship and tourism. Once fully implemented, each facility will encourage learners to prove themselves not just
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Southville Holds Psychology Olympics

The College of Psychology commemorated Psychology Day by having a “Psychology Olympics” held at the Luxembourg Gym recently.

Students and mentors headed by the Dean, Mr. Ruel Cajili, shared together a hearty feast and enjoyed sports festivities with games such as basketball, patintero, sack-race among others.

Done to create a brotherly & sisterly bond among Psychology students, the event also recognized students who made impact in academics, sports, and other fields.

To cap-off the event, students watched a hair-raising film entitled “The Call” which was shown in the campus’ Mini-Theater and was followed by Closing Remarks from Dean Cajili. [Read more]

International Baccalaureate CAS Camp Empowers IB Students

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program students held their Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS) Camp recently at the ABS-CBN Eco-Village in Iba, Zambales.
Among the CAS projects were hands-on farmwork involving sustainable natural agriculture, poultry, vermiculture, dairy and mango farming. Other projects of a less strenuous nature involved arts and crafts activities. The participants got the chance to go kayaking and river wading in the Cabatuhan River, and conducted teach-ins and integration with the residents of the Loob Bunga Resettlement Community.
The students learned to reach beyond themselves and their books and at the same time, developed their citizenship skills.
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Southville visit highlights education innovations

Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) hosted a site visit by a six-person team representing the screening committee of the Excellence in Educational Transformation Awards (EETA), sponsored by the ABS-CBN Bayan Foundation, last January 22, 2013. SISC was shortlisted from schools all over the country for its innovations in curriculum design and development, learning materials, learning methodologies and delivery systems, administrative systems and processes, and learning spaces and places.  The EETA recognizes the innovators of education in the Philippines.

The team was made up of Prof. Cecilia Manikan, director at the Asian Institute of Management; Mr. Antonio Del Carmen, program … [Read more]

Southville Leaders Undergo Training

Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) Student Council officers, High School class council representatives, and student volunteers recently went to the Earthaven Community in San Mateo, Rizal for the Outdoor Workshop on Leadership.


The OWL activities afforded the participants a chance to go beyond their comfort zones and realize their personal strengths, to conquer their fears and develop self-confidence, and to manifest leadership skills while observing the dynamics of teamwork. It is part of the school’s commitment to develop the leadership qualities of its students, and make them a catalyst towards positive and productive ends. [Read more]

Southville Student Wins in National Wakeboard Tilt

In a rough sport dominated by men, Kelsey Albano, Grade 10 student of Southville International School and Colleges (SISC), proved that real athletes know no gender. She recently finished in 2nd place in the 6th Philippine Wakeboard Nationals held at Republic Wakepark, Nuvali last August 17-19, 2012.


With her routine’s technical difficulty, the intensity and variety of her tricks, as well as her performance over obstacles and the overall fluidity of the run, Kelsey bested other wakeboard riders around the country.


Wakeboarding is a surface water sport which was developed from a combination of water skiing, snowboarding and … [Read more]