Inquirer AVP Shares Career Tips to SISC Studes -

Inquirer AVP Shares Career Tips to SISC Studes

With the theme “Career: A Decision to Make, A Path to Take”, Southville International School and Colleges held a career talk for college students last February 11, 2011 at the mini theater of Luxembourg Campus.
Mr. Jesse Francis Rebustillo, Assistant Vice President for Classified Ads of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, discussed the different career opportunities available to students after college graduation. He also gave job preparation tips from writing a comprehensive resume and dressing appropriately to the proper answering of interview questions. Mr. Rebustillo is a valued partner of the Southville Global Education Network (SGEN) and the Asian Association of Human Resource Management and Development Practitioners Incorporated (AASHPI).

The said endeavor, spearheaded by the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Department and the Office of Student Affairs, Discipline and Values Formation, is in line with SISC’s mission to mold its students to become effective professionals, entrepreneurs, technocrats, leaders, and movers of society who will all make a difference even outside the portals of their alma mater.

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