Looking for opportunities -

Looking for opportunities

In line with the 2018 Global Summit and International Nursing Conference held last January 25 & 26, 2018 here in Manila, the Philippine Nurses Association of America officers and key delegates took time last January 24, Wednesday to meet up with local nurses and students at the PNA headquarters for their 2018 PNAA Balik-Turo initiative.  It was a very inspiring and information-packed session for the College of Nursing’s seniors who seemed to be the only nursing students in attendance.

The Balik-Turo team spent the entire morning, despite ‘jet-lag’, to selflessly share their stories and experiences in professional practice and academe. It was fortunate that both SISC’s Nursing Faculty and students were able to take advantage of the opportunity to update themselves with the latest innovations in nursing practice, nursing education and research from experts themselves. It was indeed a worthwhile off-campus activity for all of us because we unanimously believed that ‘old ways will not open new doors’ and we were excited for the new possibilities.  –CAV

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