Institutional - - Page 14

Southville’s Gwyn Tangog makes it to MIT

Southville’s Gwyn Tangog makes it to MIT

Many Filipino students dream of getting into the number one university in the world but only Gwyneth Margaux “Gwyn” Tangog will be living the dream when she walks through the gates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She is the first Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) student accepted into one of the most selective schools in the world. MIT has a total acceptance rate of 4% and an acceptance rate of 1% for international students. 

Gwyn plans to major in Mathematics this coming September. Since the first grade, Gwyn has been joining math competitions from school contests to … [Read more]

Senior High School Class of 2022 returns to campus and celebrates in-person commencement

Senior High School Class of 2022 returns to campus and celebrates in-person commencement

Senior high school graduates donned mortar boards and gowns at their in-person graduation last June 4, 2022 ­– the first such event held by Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) since 2019. A total of one hundred twenty-seven graduates, which includes twenty-five students from the International Baccalaureate (IB) and one hundred two students from the International Senior High School Program, were joined by family at Luxembourg Hall and via Zoom to celebrate their academic achievements.

Attendees wore masks and graduates were handed their diplomas when called on stage, sans the traditional handshake, to make the event COVID-safe. As part of … [Read more]

SISC students find their future at Career Fair

SISC students find their future at Career Fair

Graduating students of Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) were given the opportunity to meet with potential employers during the institution’s annual Career Fair held last June 22, 2022, via Zoom. They were able to network with businesses to explore their options and identify professional opportunities that fit their individual set of skills and interests.

Participating employers included Coca-Cola Beverages Philippines, Alveo Land, SGS Philippines, Ayala Land Premier, and Ayala Malls from the property, manufacturing, and certification sector; Asia United Bank, Bank of Commerce, and Maybank Philippines from the banking industry; Edusuite, Equus Software, Accenture Philippines, and Shopee Philippines from … [Read more]

United under one goal: Southville holds Principals’ Forum

United under one goal: Southville holds Principals’ Forum

As educators face one of the most challenging and overwhelming times in their profession, Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) gathered principals from schools south of Metro Manila to share fresh thinking and innovative strategies in anticipation of the return of in-person learning this coming school year.

Principals from Las Piñas National High School, Lyceum of the Philippines University – Laguna, Manresa School, OB Montessori, PAREF Woodrose, San Lorenzo School, South Mansfield College, Stonyhurst Southville International School – Batangas, Stonyhurst Southville International School Malarayat and SISC shared and learned from each other how to deliver programs and engage students and … [Read more]

Southville inks partnership with Korean university

Southville inks partnership with Korean university

Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) and Southville International School affiliated with Foreign Universities (SISFU) partner with Kangwon National University (KNU) to open new opportunities for their students in the fields of research, technology, and innovation. 

“It is a great privilege to be partnering with successful and inspirational centers of learning who share our passion to make students aspire more and believe there is a better future for them. We believe that in these times, cooperative partnerships with other institutions of academic excellence around the world is not an option, but a necessity,” said SISC President Jocelyn Tizon during the … [Read more]

Southville achieves a 100% passing rate on the 2022 Board Licensure Examination for Psychologists

Southville achieves a 100% passing rate on the 2022 Board Licensure Examination for Psychologists

Southville International School and Colleges’ (SISC) College of Psychology achieved a 100% passing rate in the February 2022 Board Licensure Examination for Psychologists

“We are grateful that we have sustained the delivery of quality education for a repeat of our 100% passing rate in the recently held BLEPP 2022. It was quite challenging as our graduates had to wait for two years for the pandemic crisis to wane,” shared College Dean Ruel Cajili.  

One of the new Psychologists, Meriza “Riza” Reyes, shared during the interview her journey before passing the board exam. According to her, learning was a two-way process, … [Read more]

Southville College student wins in International English Speech Competition

Southville College student wins in International English Speech Competition

Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) Bs Psychology student Khryzelle Grace Lorilla won 2nd runner up in the recent  6th International Student English Speech Competition organized by the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) in partnership with Siam University in Thailand.

Two other Monarchs made it to the Top 15 namely Jomari Villacruzes of BS Nursing and  Kiel Martin Gutierrez of BS Tourism. Around three hundred students joined the annual competition that showcased the talents of students from Asia and the Pacific in organizing their thoughts, preparing their speech, and delivering it based on a given topic. … [Read more]

Southville maintains ISO 9001:2015 recertification amid a pandemic

Southville maintains ISO 9001:2015 recertification amid a pandemic

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) received its International Organization for Standardization (ISO 9001:2015) recertification from global standards inspection leader TÜV Rheinland recently with zero non-conformities. The audit was a combination of a remote audit and an on-site inspection to assure SISC’s quality management systems are efficient, productive, and globally competitive.

The recertification covers all relevant areas of school quality including school management, curriculum, teaching processes, safety, and security, among others, to ensure that SISC delivers value to its students and other stakeholders. The successful recertification attests to the school’s ability to … [Read more]

Super typhoon Odette victims find new homes through SGEN for Others

Super typhoon Odette victims find new homes through SGEN for Others

Families who lost their homes to super typhoon Odette in Bindoy, Negros Oriental can look forward to returning home through the generosity of Southville for Others (SFO). SFO’s “Help Rebuild a Home for Odette Victims” charity drive was able to raise almost half a million pesos which were earmarked for building better homes for the disaster victims.

Bindoy Mayor Ike Amorganda led the groundbreaking ceremony last February 28, 2022, for the housing project to be constructed through the donated funds of Southville Global Education Network (SGEN) students, parents, teachers, staff, friends, and affiliates.  Mayor Amorganda thanked SFO for the GI … [Read more]

Southville Psychology Students Win at PAPJA’S 35TH NATIONAL CONVENTION

Southville Psychology Students Win at PAPJA’S 35TH NATIONAL CONVENTION

The Southville Psychology Students won 2nd in the Psyclips Competition, one of the activities organized by the 35th  Psychological Association of the Philippines Junior Affiliates (PAPJA) Congress. The 2-day event held workshops both for professors and students & 3 contests which were: Psyclips (Video-Making), Best Undergrad Thesis, & Song Writing Competition. The theme for this year’s national convention was “RECALIBRATING PHILIPPINE PSYCHOLOGY: Towards a More Responsive Discipline in the Challenging Times.”

The video entry entitled: “Alalay”  was directed by Khyrzelle Grace Lorilla, narrated by Ethan Godwin Mangubat, and was edited and written by Marianna Sheen Canales, Khryzelle Grace Lorilla, [Read more]