News - - Page 29

Southville Math whizzes win big in Singapore

Southville Math whizzes win big in Singapore

Mathletes from Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) took part and won a total of three medals at the 2019 Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad (SEAMO X) held in Singapore last January 19, 2019. Kristner Sheyn Saludo of Gr. 5 – Loyalty won a gold medal for placing in the top 0.025% of the participating students from Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Jakarta, Brunei, Timor-Leste and the Philippines.

Ervin Joshua Bautista of Gr. 6 – Perseverance, on the other hand, gained a silver medal for belonging in the next 1% while Jun Hong Jang of Gr. 12 – [Read more]

Ninth Grader Aces Math Certification Contest

Ninth Grader Aces Math Certification Contest

A Grade 9 student from Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) passed the Suken Certification Test administered by the Mathematics Certification Institute of Japan. Gwyneth Margaux Tangog of Gr. 9 – Compassion passed the 2nd Kyu level which is meant for Grade 11 students. The Suken exam has 12 certification levels called Kyus with the 1st Kyu for college graduates being the highest.

The test was divided into two parts: the “Section 1: Calculation Test” for measuring calculation skills, and the “Section 2: Application Test” for measuring applied mathematical skills. It covers topics on fractional expressions, higher-degree equations, various functions [Read more]

SISC Announces New President

SISC Announces New President

Southville International School and Colleges has appointed Ms. Jocelyn P. Tizon as acting president to advance the mission and vision of the school. Ms. Tizon graduated cum laude with a degree in Bachelor in Secondary Education, Major in Mathematics at Siliman University. She also holds a Master of Business Administration from American City University, Masters in International Hospitality Management at the Lyceum of the Philippines (2012), and is finishing a PhD in Management from the Lyceum of the Philippines, bringing to the position nineteen years of experience in senior leadership at SISC. She will succeed Dr. Marl Ferenal who has [Read more]

This Little Monarch is the Next Big Thing

This Little Monarch is the Next Big Thing

Tchelzy Mei Maayo, currently in Grade 1, won a bronze medal in floor exercises in the recent Hong Kong International Carnival 2018. The international meet featured 600 gymnasts from 15 gymnastic clubs from 6 countries. Maayo eventually landed in the Top 8 from the 68 gymnasts who competed in her level. The floor exercises involve tumbling and dance skills that include leaps, jumps and turns while using the entire floor mat during the performance.

She developed her interest in gymnastics in the summer of 2017. After a year, she immediately ascended to Level 2.  Her coach commends her passion for [Read more]

Alumnus’ Stamps and Paper Bills Collection Arrives in Southville Museum

Alumnus’ Stamps and Paper Bills Collection Arrives in Southville Museum

SISC alumnus, Jose Enrico Quinsaat, visited Southville last January 7 with a long-held collection of stamps and paper bills donated to the school’s museum. Joined by his mother, Mrs. Zeny Quinsaat, he officially turned over his collection to support the school’s mission of providing a venue to conserve artistic and historical pieces in the southern part of Metro Manila. Each of those collected stamps and paper bills tells a story as he explored different museums in foreign lands. He was impressed by the presentation in each gallery commending it as an efficient way to allow patrons to have a full [Read more]

Garage Sale for a Cause: An Outreach Program under Operation Paglingap to Give Deprived Communities a Leg Up

Garage Sale for a Cause: An Outreach Program under Operation Paglingap to Give Deprived Communities a Leg Up

The recent holiday season blissfully overwhelmed us with festivities and gifts we truly cherished. But more than the joy of receiving, how does one return the favor and express care through giving?

Southville International School and Colleges, beyond learning excellence, is also known for its humanitarian projects. Each year, the institution comes up with an activity to further engage its people in community volunteer work known as Southville for Others (SFO). As one community, the SFO allows people to collaborate in making a positive impact on the less fortunate citizens for several years, particularly at its main district in the [Read more]

A Mother’s Legacy: Her Life Purpose and Fruit of Hard Work

A Mother’s Legacy: Her Life Purpose and Fruit of Hard Work

Generation Y has raised the bar for modern parenting with driving passions and deep curiosity about our drastically changing world. We live in an era of globally competitive individuals all eyeing the highest rung of the ladder of personal and professional success; a generation influenced by personalities as diverse as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Yo-Yo Ma, Kanye West, and Kendall Jenner. It takes a broad parenting skillset for a mother to embrace the responsibility of meeting these expectations as one nurtures globally productive citizens in the 21st century.

Dr. Marjorie S. Gutierrez – Tangog is a mother of [Read more]

The Doctors Are In: Southville Alumni Acquire Medical License

The Doctors Are In: Southville Alumni Acquire Medical License

Monarchs made it to the list of board passers at the recently conducted medical licensure examination. Two of Southville’s academic departments College of Psychology & Nursing and Basic Education proudly affirm the acquisition of their resident students joining the prestigious league of medical practitioners groomed by the institution.

With its solid academic and clinical foundation, nurturing instruction and strong values education, Southville prepares students to meet the challenges of a medical professional by equipping them with a competitive program on Research and Biology as early as Senior High while medical-related courses in college maintain a reputable high passing rate apparently [Read more]

Women Coders in the Millennial Age as told by Bea Guevarra

Women Coders in the Millennial Age as told by Bea Guevarra

Information Technology (IT) student, Bea Soriano Guevarra, is this year’s newly elected Director of Information Communication and International Linkages for Junior Philippine Computer Society (JPCS). In an interview, Guevarra humbly shared that most of her biggest life events happened by accident. The course IT was a plan B to her and the election for the JPCS Board of Officers happened on the day she was only supposed to submit the requirements needed. Much to her surprise, these unexpected events turned out to be the greatest turning point in her academic journey.

Raised in the United States, Guevarra has always dreamed [Read more]

A Home Away From Home: Parents Conduct Storytelling at School

A Home Away From Home: Parents Conduct Storytelling at School

Southville Early Childhood Education (ECED) students were all smiles to see familiar faces read them stories last week, no one but their beloved parents. This activity is being conducted by the school for a decade now along with other related events which aim to boost active participation of the youth and developing a closer bond with their family members outside their comfort zones. Such activity contributes to the child’s confidence when a trusted guardian’s presence is felt as observed by the teachers and executives. Beyond the normal class routine, these kids are proven to be exceptionally attentive and really proud [Read more]