A Message of Triumph: Southville’s New College Director, Dr. Rolly  Donato has this to say

A Message of Triumph: Southville’s New College Director, Dr. Rolly  Donato has this to say

Warm greetings, College Monarchs!

We are currently facing two major disruptions, the COVID 19 virus and automation that are reshaping our way of life and world of work. While the impact of the pandemic is unprecedented which makes us think of varying ways to cope, companies experience a lack of workers with the necessary core skills to address the fast-changing landscape across industries.

According to a study by Coursera (2021), 69% of companies worldwide report a shortage of graduates who possess the required job skills. Only 34% of US college graduates feel they have the right skills and knowledge to join the workforce while only 48% of UK employers believe that students leave school with sufficient digital skills.

How do we address the gaps between academe and the industry?

Our initiatives this academic year will lead you towards developing cognitive proficiency, leadership, drive and self-discipline, higher levels of thinking, and a heart of service. Our mapped out Digital Competencies will equip you with digital skills that are increasingly essential as businesses accelerate digital transformation in response to the pandemic. Our revitalized Institutional Courses (IC), with the integration of Tier One Well Being and Personal Effectiveness Program (TOWPEP) with a growth mindset and grit, would galvanize the development of the 5Cs in you.  Equally important to all these is the Academic Rigor with Critical Thinking and English Proficiency programs as well as Micro Credentialing that would elevate you into a highly competitive and globalized graduate of SISC.  

Knowing that the classroom is the microcosm and trial-run of your future, Southville International School and Colleges will ensure that you are afforded with all the opportunities to develop the essential skills you need to thrive and make a difference. The 5Cs (Competence, Character, Collaboration, Commitment to Achieve, and Creativity) will serve as your compass to reach your aspirations.

As we slowly open our campus for Hybrid Virtual Online Learning and Teaching (HyVOLT) and face-to-face classes, we will remain steadfast in our commitment to make you lifelong learners who are excellent in academics and values, and movers of society who will make a difference in the 21st century. 

I am hopeful that with strong faith and unperturbed resolve, we will come out triumphant over all challenges.

****Southville College Students’ Welcome Packet

Be Amazing. Be Southville.  

Dr. Rolly S. Donato

College Director

August 20, 2022