In line with Southville International School and Colleges’ quest for reading excellence, the school hosted its 2nd Reading Conference with the topic Developing Successful Readers in a Diverse Community last March 14-15, 2019. The topics covered include Reading Gains through Read Aloud, Sustaining Mindful Reading Habits, and Recreational and Intentional Reading that aim to align diverse methodologies and practices to raise highly proficient readers in today’s digital age.

Developing Successful Readers in Diverse Communities
Hon. Lourdes T. David
CHAIR of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Council of Librarians – Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
The event formally started with a refresher on readers’ cultural differences and reading preferences by the Honorable Lourdes T. David. She mentioned that the utmost responsibility of the parent, the teacher, and the librarian is to attend to social contrasts for every child is different from another child. In particular, learning institutions with a diverse population of students are encouraged to practice collaborative learning and experiment with a student-centered approach to teaching reading.

Reading Gains through Read Aloud
Ms. Ruth M. De Guzman, Executive Director
Adarna Group Foundation, Inc.
In the Reading Gains through Read Aloud session, Ms. Ruth De Guzman expounded on the sensitive periods in early brain development that are critical to improve literacy. Practices such as providing culture and age-appropriate books in a safe learning space must be done early and often by a significant adult. Also, in the context of affection and attention, read aloud instill a love of reading that eventually lead to learning.

Sustaining Mindful Reading Habits
Ms. Donna L. Atienza , PRINCIPAL
Stonyhurst Southville International School & Colleges
Ms. Donna Atienza presented the benefits of MINDFULNESS in reading which requires a high level of mental focus and stability. It is through reading that the senses work together to grasp information by paying attention to details. The goal is not merely to know but to deeply understand.

Recreational and Intentional Reading: The Library’s Role
Ms. Audrey G. Anday , Consultant
National Library of the Philippines
How do we keep the reading enthusiasm of students? What topics will keep them off from their gadgets? By what means can reading centers provide comfort and a protected learning place? Ms. Audrey Anday revealed how to make the library a reader’s haven by providing convenience, safety, and satisfaction. It’s about getting to know the readers and transforming the library according to the interest of the majority.

Ms. Phi Anh T. De Castro
Southville Parent Education Center, Head
Early Childhood Education, Consultant
Wrapping up the event, Ms. Phi Anh DeCastro pointed out the biggest challenges teachers, parents, and educators face in turning the young into successful readers. Addressing their needs at an early age will help readers build better comprehension, greater focus, and improved fluency in reading. The executive functions of the brain are also very important in developing such skills.

“It takes a village to raise a reading child. I thank all the teachers, librarians and school administrators who attended the second Reading Conference. Likewise, the speakers who unselfishly shared their expertise in teaching Reading. Together, let us sustain that reignited passion to make our children avid readers.”
Ms. Marie Vic Suarez
Basic Education Principal
Southville International School and Colleges
Reading Conference Chair
Ms. Melissa Odoño
Reading Conference Co-Chair
Ms. Jorge Balela
Ms. Sandra Claire Dupio
Ms. Veriane Gel Gutierrez
Ms. Samantha Ferol
Ms. Vina Gavilano
Taylor Center for Professional Development:
Ms. Phi Anh De Castro
Ms. Tala Alzona
Mr. Joebert Pagdato
Ms. Valine Divinagracia
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