Garage Sale for a Cause: An Outreach Program under Operation Paglingap to Give Deprived Communities a Leg Up

Garage Sale for a Cause: An Outreach Program under Operation Paglingap to Give Deprived Communities a Leg Up

The recent holiday season blissfully overwhelmed us with festivities and gifts we truly cherished. But more than the joy of receiving, how does one return the favor and express care through giving?

Southville International School and Colleges, beyond learning excellence, is also known for its humanitarian projects. Each year, the institution comes up with an activity to further engage its people in community volunteer work known as Southville for Others (SFO). As one community, the SFO allows people to collaborate in making a positive impact on the less fortunate citizens for several years, particularly at its main district in the southern part of Manila.

Last week, the school welcomed the year 2019 and launched another event of its kind. The SFO Garage Sale for a Cause is a fundraising program to be held annually under Operation Paglingap primarily participated by its employees and was also made open to parents and students. Prior to the December break, they were encouraged to extend at home the school’s implementation of its own 5S; Sort, Systematize, Sweep, Sanitize, and Segregate. By the first week of January, employees brought bags of clothes, shoes, and other useful stuff to be donated. These items were sold at reasonable and affordable amount whereas unsold items will be distributed to its beneficiaries.  

In such a way, it also aims to teach them organization as an executive skill aligned with Southville’s adaptation of a Japanese tradition on the art of decluttering. The SFO allows the school to proactively prepare for inevitable adversities and disastrous events equipping its team with all the resources. The amount gathered from the activity will be used to fund Operation Paglingap projects at any time it is needed. The SFO program continues to give deprived communities a leg up by means of constantly mounting constructive programs such as scholarships, reading programs, blood-letting campaigns, and community services to name a few.

“What counts is not what we give but how we are able to be ONE in extending our help to those who need it the most.” – Southville for Others Team