New Year Message from the SISC President

New Year Message from the SISC President

It is with great pleasure that I wish all members of the Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) family a blessed New Year full of happiness and success! A new year is always a time for renewed expectations that the best is yet to come, and exciting thoughts on the future. When I attended the recent Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific Annual Conference that gathered university leaders and executives in Thailand, the message from the forum was clear: the pace of technological change will continue to be disruptive, and the essential, in-demand skills of the future will be different from what is being taught today. Southville International School and Colleges Schools need to build a new model of learning that integrates the use of technology and artificial intelligence in all subject areas and fosters higher digital literacy skills. Strategies for a more flexible and customized curriculum must also be explored, offering personalized learning approaches that cater to individual needs, interests, and learning styles. Finally, emotional and mental well-being should be given importance to ensure student success.

SISC already shows leadership in these areas with our Virtual Online Learning and Teaching Program internationally lauded for its diversified blended learning options. The school has adopted adaptive learning platforms and data analytics that track individual student progress, and tailor educational experiences accordingly. Our integration of the Tier One Well-Being and Personal Effectiveness Program in our curriculum supports the social and emotional development of our students to have a positive impact on our world.

Indeed, it is an exciting moment for SISC as we aspire to think differently about our approach to education and to identify areas where we can and must excel. At our core, we are innovators who seek better ways of addressing the challenge to take outstanding student outcomes to the next level. We live out this commitment each day to drive forward student achievement and make SISC current and resilient.