News - - Page 15

A Hopeful Message from Dr. Marie Vic F. Suarez, Southville Principal

A Hopeful Message from Dr. Marie Vic F. Suarez, Southville Principal

As the proud principal of Southville International School and Colleges (SISC), welcome back to school for the academic year 2022-2023! I am excited to be able to say that again this year as we fully reopen our campuses. We are thrilled to see our students back in person, walking the halls once again, and connecting with each other in the classrooms while forging new friendships, meeting new teachers, and learning new routines. Our teachers are likewise excited to see their students again face-to-face. This school year looks and feels a bit more like what we are used to, and is … [Read more]

A Message of Triumph: Southville’s New College Director, Dr. Rolly  Donato has this to say

A Message of Triumph: Southville’s New College Director, Dr. Rolly  Donato has this to say

Warm greetings, College Monarchs!

We are currently facing two major disruptions, the COVID 19 virus and automation that are reshaping our way of life and world of work. While the impact of the pandemic is unprecedented which makes us think of varying ways to cope, companies experience a lack of workers with the necessary core skills to address the fast-changing landscape across industries.

According to a study by Coursera (2021), 69% of companies worldwide report a shortage of graduates who possess the required job skills. Only 34% of US college graduates feel they have the right skills and knowledge to … [Read more]

Southville gets PACUCOA ‘thumbs up’

Southville gets PACUCOA ‘thumbs up’

Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) passed the accreditation conducted by the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA) for continuing to excel in teaching, research and service even during the most challenging times.

SISC’s AB Communication program was granted Level III, First Reaccreditation Status while the BS Entrepreneurship and BS Tourism programs are at Level III RA. The AB Multimedia Arts, BS Accountancy, Master in Business Administration, Master in Information Technology, and Master of Arts in Psychology programs, on the other hand, are at Candidate Status. 

It is by the collective efforts and outstanding contributions of … [Read more]

Reshaping the Global Landscape through Research – Southville Hosts Second International Research Conference

Reshaping the Global Landscape through Research – Southville Hosts Second International Research Conference

With the success of its first run last year, Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) College Division will once again host the prestigious International Research Conference (IRC) on October 26 and 27, 2022. The conference will bring researchers who will be sharing their studies on the theme “Reshaping the 2022 Global Landscape”. The research congress will focus on various fields such as social development, communications, health care, technology, commerce, and education.

Researchers who wish to join may register via – Early bird discounts will be available for those who will register until September 15, 2022. Applicants may contact Ms. … [Read more]

Southville College Faculty Wins BPI Sinag

Southville College Faculty Wins BPI Sinag

The thought that Filipinos can solve societal problems through creativity and innovation was what inspired Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) instructor Aris Lacuña to join and win the BPI Sinag. It’s the first-ever social entrepreneurship competition for the academe sponsored by the Bank of the Philippine Islands Foundation and hosted by Bayan Academy. 

Mr. Lacuña’s winning concept, “The 3SEED Innovation Challenge 2022 (Sinag@Southville Social Enhancement & Enterprise Development)” aims to equip and empower Senior High School –  Accountancy, Business, and Management teachers in Muntinlupa, Paranaque, and Las Pinas in social entrepreneurship through ‘Design Thinking.  Apart from winning the competition, … [Read more]

Mathlete scores among the top in international math contests

Mathlete  scores among the top in international math contests

Southville International Schools and Colleges (SISC) 9th grader Ervin Joshua Bautista received a Certificate of Distinction at the 2022 Fermat Contest conducted by the University of Waterloo. The contest was organized by the university’s Center for Education in Mathematics and Computing. 

Bautista received the Certificate of Distinction by ranking in the top 25% of all contestants worldwide.The contest is usually for Grade 11 students only, however, Bautista was able to join because his mathematical skills are beyond that of his grade level

He also won third prize in the 10th European Mathematical Cup organized by the Croatian Association of … [Read more]

Welcome Message from the President – AY 2022-2023

Welcome Message from the President – AY 2022-2023

Let me be the first to welcome you to Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) for the academic year 2022-2023! 

I hope you share my excitement in welcoming students back to campus for blended learning. We have many reasons to be proud of the ways in which our students have risen to the challenges of adjusting to learning in new virtual formats, but we are excited about the prospect of all of them enjoying experiential learning, campus life, and community engagement once again.

You will remember that we embarked on a partial return to campus last academic year and managed … [Read more]