News - - Page 37

SISC College Library’s IDEABOX Features the College of Nursing

SISC College Library’s IDEABOX Features the College of Nursing

Last September 7, 2018, the College Library’s IDEABOX project opened a new featured exhibit, this time by the freshmen students of the College of Nursing.  This bunch of energetic students worked and conceptualized on a theme that would encompass facets and elements depicting what the BSN program at Southville was all about. The result turned out to be creative pieces of artwork made by individual students put together with the theme: College of Nursing…where learning meets life. This project-based learning activity was intended to showcase varied aspects of nursing but in the end the activity brought about genuine opportunities [Read more]

Southville Multimedia Business Class Conducts Workshop on Video Editing

Southville Multimedia Business Class Conducts Workshop on Video Editing

Southville International School and Colleges’ (SISC) 4th year Communication and Multimedia students recently hosted their 1st outreach for the school year entitled: “A Workshop on Video Editing”, as part of the school’s advocacy to give back to its adopted CAA community. The said event was held last September 24 at the Media Center as part of an activity for the students’ Multimedia Business Class.

Selected students from the CAA Senior High School arrived in Southville International School and Colleges on a Friday afternoon. As soon as the participants registered, they were given free school kits and were directed to CL2 [Read more]

Southville Calls for Most Innovative Business Paper

Southville Calls for Most Innovative Business Paper

With the theme “Bright Minds for Better Future”, Southville International School Affiliated with Foreign Universities (SISFU) launches its search for the 1st SISFU STUDENT, ENTREPRENEURSHIP INNOVATION AND START-UP CHALLENGE to promote innovation and creative capacity among college students and to generate entrepreneurial competencies in the field of technology and services.

The competition is open to college/university students (maximum of 5 members) who are currently enrolled in a degree program (business education, science and technology, and other related programs). There are two (2) award categories, namely: (a) Technology Category – Businesses that produce new products based on breakthroughs in research, [Read more]

Southville Business High School Students Win in Business Competition

Southville Business High School Students Win in Business Competition

The Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) team from Grade 12 – Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) took first place in the business case presentation competition held at De La Salle University (DLSU) recently. Comprised of Sharina Ahmed, Christian Chia, Pola Cueto, Rance Llovido, Sid Espinosa, Elizabeth Burigsay and Derick Salvoro, the team presented their champion idea for sustaining and expanding a sole proprietorship business structure.

They competed against teams from other Metro Manila-based schools who participated in the Future Lasallians Camp 2018. The event was managed and organized by DLSU for senior high school students who are contemplating a [Read more]

New Perspective Brings Great Literature

New Perspective Brings Great Literature

There is always one teacher that never ceases to amaze.

Literature class. You know what they say about literature classes. Read this, read that, memorize this, memorize that, write this, write that. Long classics, old poems, odd symbols, deep words. Boring.

But the World Literature class of Sir Mark Adrian Ho is very different. It is fun!

Mr. Ho has carefully curated readings in prose and in poems, classics and contemporary, short and long text assignments designed to be engaging and interesting. Class work is not the usual essay on reflection, but a game with an objective pointing system. The … [Read more]

Unlocking the Benefits of the IB Diploma Programme


The aim of all International Baccalaureate (IB) programs is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better, more peaceful world.

Preparation for University and Life Beyond


The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better world through intercultural understanding and respect. It is an academically-challenging, two-year pre-university course with final examinations that prepare students for success at university and life beyond.


IB students study six subjects of their choice (Language A1, Language
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Southville Partners with Rotary Club for Entrepreneurship Programs

The Southville Global Education Network (SGEN) recently signed several agreements with the Rotary Club of Makati – Salcedo Chapter for the latter to provide funds to support the business ventures of students enrolled in SGEN’s entrepreneurship and capital market and securities programs. The agreements were formally sealed last January 15, 2011 at Bistro Lima of Southville Foreign University, in the presence of Dr. Genevieve Ledesma-Tan, Chief Executive Mentor of Southville International School and Colleges (SISC), Dr. Angelito Dizon, President of Rotary Club of Makati-Salcedo, and Dr. Rhoderick Santos, Chairman of Vulture Private Equity Unlimited, Inc.
Under the provisions of the
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Southville conducts Essay Writing workshop at Fully Booked

Southville conducts Essay Writing workshop at Fully Booked

For its third activity in the “Learn the Southville Way at Fully Booked series,” Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) administered an Essay Writing workshop at Fully Booked Alabang Town Center last October 24, 2015. Grade School and High School students from institutions such as Bloomfield Academy, Stonyhurst Southville International School-Batangas, and Maria Montessori attended the event. Ms. Ann Coleman, Basic Education faculty, together with Chloe Jundez and Nathalie Butler, editors of The Mover, facilitated the workshop.

Showing great interest in the lecture, the participants took down notes, listened attentively, and participated actively in the discussion. Ms. Coleman and The … [Read more]

Working Toward Students’ Success through Parental Involvement

Working Toward Students’ Success through Parental Involvement

In general, college is seen as a transition period from adolescence to adulthood, a place where students explore a new environment and separate from their dependent roles and begin to identify as individuals. Traditionally, parents’ or guardians’ involvement at this level is perceived in a negative light. However, in Southville’s College of Nursing, parents’ and guardians’ involvement is seen as a welcome partnership. We believe that parents play a key role in student success. Studies have provided evidence that suggests that students who experience significant parental involvement have better chances of being academically successful and socially successful in their higher … [Read more]

Southville volleyball contingent makes history


The Southville boys volleyball team won the championship in the International Schools Athletic Conference (ISAC) held in Cebu International School last October 22-26, 2014. This is the first time Southville won the very elusive travelling trophy for the volleyball tournament. The Monarchs bested teams from Cebu International School, British School – Manila, Faith Academy – Mindanao, Brent International School – Subic, Brent International School – Baguio, and Brent International School – Manila.

The SISC girls volleyball team on the other hand finished 2nd runner-up. By virtue of their victories, the SISC Monarchs are now ranked number 1 in the … [Read more]