Southville Global Village goes to Palawan

Go away into a journey of true magnificence and adventure in the Global Village Program – Palawan Tour on April 22 – 24, 2013 for Grade 5 to Grade 12 students. Discover Palawan’s unhurried and largely undiscovered charm with a tour package that includes:

• A Puerto Princesa City Tour
• Honda Bay Island Hopping
• Puerto Princesa Subterranean River
• National Park/ Puerto Princess
• Underground River Tour

The Global Village Program is a unique, personal,and inter-cultural learning experience provided by SISC to its students. The travel program gives participants learning experiences they cannot acquire in the classroom as they are directly exposed to various cultures and peoples. Parents, relatives and friends of students are also welcomed to be part of the tour.

“I am soooo excited for the Global Tour. I look forward to joining the activity. It would be a great experience,” said one student.

For more details, please call Mr. Dennis Riñon,Student Affairs Coordinator, at 825-6374 local 105.

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