Southville International School and Colleges’ delegates bagged 83 GOLD and 92 SILVER medals at the 2019 World Scholar’s Cup – Tournament of Champions held in YALE UNIVERSITY besting last year’s haul of 66 GOLD and 43 SILVER medals. The tournament was participated in by close to 2,000 scholars, from 630 schools from 60 countries worldwide.
This year, there were 35 delegates who represented Southville in the Scholar’s Bowl, Scholar’s Challenge, Collaborative Writing, and Team Debate. Dalton Emanuel Mojica of the Senior Division ranked Top 26 out of the thousands of delegates to become the leading scholar from the Philippines. This is Southville’s second year at the said tournament.

This year’s delegation is composed of
Junyeong Park
Io Carpiso
Emiliani Theres Cutillar
Tyrulf Constantine Ekberg
Jaeda Johnson
Chelcy Meneses
Rueben Byron Maat
Miguel Garcia
Seonghyeok Baek
Misaki Motohashi
Zoe Patricia Gesmundo
Julienne Gayle Peñalosa
Dalton Emanuel Mojica
Alexandra Marie Morelos
Julianna Marcela Dichosa
Demmetria Samantha Ortiz
Stefano Crispino De Castro
Dai Ho Kim
Sung Eun Lee
Robert Jeremiah Rivera
Angelique Joy Delgado
Rovan Suresh
Princess Dayan Sabal
Maxine Erica Santos
Neel Sharma
Mikhail Astin Alzona
Inigo Miguel Hernandez
Paolo Lorenzo Tugas
Josef Mari Aliel Dator
Samantha Tricia Lobien
Juan Alfonso Lobien
Beatriz Lucia Rodriguez
Brielle Rodriguez
Andrea Beatrice Caeg
“We are in awe of the achievements of our students. The team’s winning is a testament of how our 5C’s Core Values- Character, Commitment to Achieve, Competence, Collaboration and Creativity, – come into play as our students excel not only in local but also in global competitions. Kudos also to our teachers who served as their mentors and to our parents who have believed in our thrust as an institution,” shares Ms. Marie Vic Suarez, Principal.
The World Scholar’s Cup aims to provide a different taste of academic competitions and conferences; a celebration of the joy of learning, a tournament as rewarding for the team that came in last as the team that came in first, and an enrichment opportunity that motivated students not just to demonstrate their existing strengths but to discover new ones.