SGEN Community embracing the new ISO 9001:2015 Risk-Based Thinking for advancement and globalization -

SGEN Community embracing the new ISO 9001:2015 Risk-Based Thinking for advancement and globalization

A seminar-workshop on “Quality Management System Introductory and Understanding of the New Requirements of ISO / DIS 9001:2015” was held at Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) last June 26, 2015 with Engr. Jayzer L. Aquino, (ISO 9001 Consultant and Lead Auditor) as the resource speaker. The participants were internal quality auditors from the Southville Global Education Network (SGEN) schools: SISC, South Mansfield College, Stonyhurst Southville International School (SSIS) – Malarayat, and SSIS – Batangas.

The seminar focused on the transition from the ISO 9001:2008 Standard to the ISO 9001:2015 Risk-Based Thinking. Engr. Aquino mentioned essential key changes to the new ISO version including its responsiveness to latest trends, increased prominence of service, increased interested parties’ expectation, and adaptability to globalization. In addition to that, he emphasized the concept of risk-based thinking which is explicitly highlighted in the new ISO version, and gave a supplemental workshop actively participated in by the SGEN internal quality auditors.

To conclude, he accentuated that risk management is proactive, predictive, preventive, and not reactive to the organization’s needs. The program ended with the participants receiving their certificates for embracing the risk-based approach for advancement and globalization.

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