SISC Announces the Offering of Accounting Technology -

SISC Announces the Offering of Accounting Technology

In line with its mission to develop qualified graduates who are responsive to the needs of a highly competitive business environment, the College of Business Education and Tourism (CBET) announced the offering of a new program Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology effective School Year 2015 – 2016. The course produces a new breed of specialists known Accounting Technicians. These individuals assist the accounting professional in maintaining the financial records of clients, verifying, and processing them into various forms that would serve the purpose for which they have been prepared for.
On the importance of the role of the Accounting Technologist, Dr. Victor C. Manabat, the Dean of CBET had this to say, “In this fast-paced business world, a tremendous burden is laid on the shoulders of the accounting professional. No longer relegated to the drawing up of balance sheets and income statements, accountants are now taking on the role of decision makers and consultants. Because of this, accountants need skilled individuals to assist them in the more routine aspects of their profession. Thus, the Accounting Technologist comes in to fill that void”.

An important feature of BS Accounting Technology is its ladderized nature which offers the following advantages to students who will seek to enroll in the program:
1. Upon completion of the first two years, students enrolled in BSAcT will receive a Certificate for Accounting Technology. This certification is similar to a 2-year vocational certificate which will serve them in good stead should they decide to stop schooling at the end of their second year.

2. Upon the completion of their fourth year, students will then receive the title of Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology.

3. Upon completion of their academic requirements in BS Accounting Technology, the students may study for another year to acquire another Baccalaureate Degree, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy should they decide to do so. This will qualify the student to be qualified to take the Licensure Examination for Accounting Professionals.

Thus, in a span of five years, the student is able to acquire, not one, but three possible diplomas at the end of their studies at Southville International School and College.

The new program is another proof of the commitment of SISC to develop productive learners equipped with the necessary skills and competencies to be achievers in the world today.

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