Southville-CAPS Hosts the Basic Education NSPO 2016 -

Southville-CAPS Hosts the Basic Education NSPO 2016

The Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS) of Southville International School and Colleges (SISC) hosted the New Students and Parents Orientation (NSPO) last June 11, 2016, at the Luxembourg Hall. The orientation is for students and parents who want to know more about the education and student services offered in Southville. The orientation also included Southville students talking about their experiences and how it helped them overcome certain situations in life, and a question and answer session for parents and guardians.

Ms Juliet Catungal of the CAPS Office proudly said that the NSPO event had been a successful one, garnering a 4.4 rating from the attendees. The event was attended by a total of 435 students and 385 parents or guardians and 55 officers, teachers and staff.

Dr. Marl V. Ferenal, SISC President welcomed the new students and parents while Ms. Marie Vic F. Suarez, Principal, gave an overview of the distinctive features of the school.

The other highlights of the program included a testimonial of Chloe Jundez on how Southville molded her into a confident Monarch, and ballet dance number by ACTS Manila.

This was followed by the breakout sessions wherein the Deputy Principals with the Subject Area Heads and Level Facilitators talked about the rules, regulations and policies of the school to the parents. In another venue, the Guidance Counselors gave an initial rapport building session activities with energizers and group dynamics activity. Grades 3 to 5 students were handled by Ms. Anjer; grades 6 – 9 by Ms. Zen; and grades 10 – 12 by Ms. Juliet Catungal. The Preschoolers were handled by the Deputy Principal, Ms. Tala, and level coordinators and facilitators Ms. Beth and Preschool teachers.