Southville International School and Colleges held the “New Parents and Students’ Orientation” at the Luxembourg Gym recently.
SISC President Dr. Marl Ferenal delivered the Welcome Remarks while Vice-President for Academic Affairs Dr. Marjorie S. Gutierrez-Tangog gave the General Overview. Then SISC Principal Ms. Marivic Suarez introduced the Officers, Subject Area Heads and Level Facilitators for Academic Year 2013-2014. Sung Won Hong, an alumnus, gave a testimonial about the School
In the second part of the program, the parents were oriented on School Curriculum Innovations, Special Academic Programs, School Policies, School Calendar and Activities, the 5c’s of Success, Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs), Sources of Curriculum Standards, School Policies, Forms of Communication, Class Attendance, Opening of Classes, Special Schedules, Tardiness, Leaving The Campus During Class Hours, School Uniform, Speak English Campaign, 5S, Guidelines for Caregivers of SISC students, the Good Manners Program, and lastly, the Grade 3-6 class, breaktime and grading schedule among others.
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